Monday, February 8, 2010

Why Is Understanding Heredity Important

Understanding heredity is important because heredity is why you look the way you do. If you dont understand it then you wont know why you look that way. Here let me break it down for you. Organisms get there traits from their dads sperm and their moms egg. The egg and sperm each carry 23 chromosomes . Each chromosome holds a peice of DNA. Each peice of DNA is a gene. Genes gives you your traits. Each Gene pairs up. One from your mom and one from your dad. Genes can be dominant (strong) or recessive (weak).
WOW thats a lot to know about heredity but if you know what it is then it should be easy to know and undestand why you look the way you do.The British mathematician/biologist R.C. Punnett devised a method of picturing this concept on a graph called a Punnett Square. Punnett Squares graph the father’s genotype (the genetic information concerned with a specific trait: for example, two alleles for tall, or two for short, or one for each) crossed with the mother’s. Punnett Squares show the probability of having children who have a certain trait.
Dominant alleles are shown by a capital letter.
Recessive alleles are shown by the lowercase of the same letter.
This graph is a cross between a mother who is a hybrid or heterozygous for tall (meaning she has one allele (T) for tallness and one (t) for shortness). Physically she is tall because T is dominant and masks the shortness genes from the father. Half of their offspring will therefore be short (tt) and half will be tall hybrids (Tt; a pure tall offspring would be TT). This means that the parents have a 2/4 or 50% chance of having tall children and a 2/4 or 50% chance of having short children. This is a 1:1 ratio.


What Do I Think My Child Would Look Like

People get therir traits from their moms egg and their dads sperm. The egg and sperm each holds 23 chromosomes. Each chromosome holds DNA.Each peice of DNA carries a gene, witch gives tou traits. Genes can be dominant or recessive. If your mom/dad gives you a dominant gene, then the strong trait will show. If they give you the recessive gene, then the weak trait will show. I think my child will look like me and it will have the same characteristis as me. I think that because i got most of my dads traits and not my moms ones. Hopefully my chilod will have all the dominant traits and not the recessive ones.My child will proabley have back straight hair, attached earlobes, thick eyebrows, normal sized lips, a narrow nose, some freckles. Thats all the traits I have.

Dominant Or Recessive

The expression of the products of gene
is not equal, and some genes will override others in expressing themselves as an inherited characteristic. The offspring of organisms that reproduce sexually contain a set of chromosome pairs, half from the father and half from the mother. However, normally people do not have one blue eye and one brown eye, or half brown hair and half blond hair because most genetic traits are the result of the expression of either the dominant or the recessive genes. If a dominant and a recessive gene appear together (the heterozygous condition), the dominant will always win, producing the trait it is coded for. The only time a recessive trait (such as the one for blond hair) expresses itself is when two recessive genes are present (the homozygous condition). As a result, parents with heterozygous genes for brown hair could produce a child with blond hair if the child inherits two recessive blond-hair genes from the parents. The genes residing in the chromosome's DNA can also be present in alternative forms called alleles. It is important to note that some characteristics are a result of presence of various alleles, e.g. pink snapdragon flowers or blood types.
This hereditary law also holds true for genetic diseases. Neither parent may show signs of a genetic
disease, caused by a defective gene, but they can pass the double-recessive combination on to their children. Some genetic diseases are dominant and others are recessive. Dominant genetic defects are more common because it only takes one parent to pass on a defective allele. A recessive genetic defect requires both parents to pass on the recessive allele that causes the disease. A few inherited diseases (such as Down syndrome) are caused by abnormalities in the number of chromosomes, where the offspring has 47 chromosomes instead of the normal 46traits.

My Family Traits

My fanily characteristis are blonde/black straigtht hair, narrow nose brown/green/yellow /blue eyes, attached ear lobes, full sized lips, dimples, freckles, and thick eyebrows. I know that this is my family traits because my dad and I have these traits. My brothers and mom have almost all the same traits. My sister has almost the same traits as me and my dad but some are different.My two brothers have blonde hair attached ears, full sized lips, skinny eyebrows, and blue eyes.My grandparents traits are black straight hair, skinny eyebrows,skinny lips, brown eyes, and attached ears. They dont look anything like me. I proably only got the ressive genes in my family.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Inherited Social Behavior

Social behavior is a type of behavior that members of the same group do together. I act the same way around my friends as i would by my around my family. Others would proably act different around other people. It depends who you hang out with to change your behavior is what i think. If you were a good person who does good things and if you were to start hanging out with bad people who does bad things, then you would start acting bad and doing bad things that the people who you hang out with. Or it could be the other way around where your the bad guy and you hang out with good guys. You will become good and fallow them.
When im around my parents i act nice and pollite as if i where hanging around with my friends. I care what others think of my behavior because it might change the way they think of me wether its good or bad.I would say that my behavior overall is good or o.k. Some of my friends behaviors are good, some are bad. I dont fallow the bad kids behaviors, i try to lead them to falloe me.
