Friday, January 22, 2010

Inherited Social Behavior

Social behavior is a type of behavior that members of the same group do together. I act the same way around my friends as i would by my around my family. Others would proably act different around other people. It depends who you hang out with to change your behavior is what i think. If you were a good person who does good things and if you were to start hanging out with bad people who does bad things, then you would start acting bad and doing bad things that the people who you hang out with. Or it could be the other way around where your the bad guy and you hang out with good guys. You will become good and fallow them.
When im around my parents i act nice and pollite as if i where hanging around with my friends. I care what others think of my behavior because it might change the way they think of me wether its good or bad.I would say that my behavior overall is good or o.k. Some of my friends behaviors are good, some are bad. I dont fallow the bad kids behaviors, i try to lead them to falloe me.
